Since man invented speech, he has been asking this question, for the wonder of life has no end. 'Why is the sky blue?' 'Where does the rain go?' What does a bird sing about?' In this department these and many more questions are answered on terms that children can understand, and they are asked and answered for a very important reason: to keep alive the excitement and delight of learning new things. This, indeed, is the purpose of our living in this world.
I Wonder Why?
Saturday, June 23, 20120 comments
Since man invented speech, he has been asking this question, for the wonder of life has no end. 'Why is the sky blue?' 'Where does the rain go?' What does a bird sing about?' In this department these and many more questions are answered on terms that children can understand, and they are asked and answered for a very important reason: to keep alive the excitement and delight of learning new things. This, indeed, is the purpose of our living in this world.
Wonder Why
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